Saturday, November 13, 2010

An Open Letter to Skinny Puppy

Dear Sirs,

While I'm aware that Skinny Puppy's reuniting and touring has been a success, I have also heard the side projects (such as Download) where synthesists and programmers stretched out to broader and less commercial horizons. If the cEvin Key and (before he passed) Dwayne Goettel were willing to stretch in the one direction, it's feasible current writing unit within Skinny Puppy could confront the other extreme and create music for some fashionable commercial acts. This would be an amazing benefit to both yourselves and the current climate of popular music today.

Though the history of Skinny Puppy is more abrasive and confrontational than anything likely to be on pop radio, much of the band's music was labeled “industrial disco” and features the heavy, four-on-the-floor dance beat that is currently in fashion in popular music today. Transmuting Skinny Puppy's gifts with synthesizers and original beats would be a boon to an music scene stale with 20-year-old techno clichés.

This may seem like an odd compromise, but remember: writers reap more rewards than singers. The benefits of penning a quality tune for the likes of T.I. or Usher would not only break a generic stranglehold on today's dance music, but also help finance future Skinny Puppy projects.

Thank you for your time,
Eric Charles


  1. Oh, dear god, yes.
    It would help the music exponentially! Though I'm not confident their particular slant would improve the lyrics; I can't imagine Usher singing about excrement or vivisection.

  2. eric you wus, trying to get skinny puppy to sell out, shame on you!
    do u work for the recording industry or something? get a life

  3. Okay... the above comment is just plain amazing. I wish there were some kind of "like" button I could click over, and over, and over again; comments like this are why there is a Web 2.0. Viva la Comment Culture!
